Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Basketball Match

Yesterday was my basketball match.Our team name was the Wildcats. The other team's name was the Bruins. I scored 7 points for my team. But we lost. It was 24 to 30. The other team was playing very well. I got a foul though. I was supposed to get only two freethrow shots but I ended up getting like five because the players from the other team kept steping in the key before the ball hit the basket's rim. We had to play the match for 3 minutes extra because we had a tie.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jay,

    That was such a close match. It was tied 22-22 and you guys came back from behind, however they dominated you in the overtime. They had one really very good player. I am happy though that you made 7 points. That's your highest score in a match. Keep it up.
